Maxx Mayhem Modifies Guitars and Accessories...

Guitars and Effects

Custom Stratocaster

I’ve spent 40 years building furniture, but I’ve played guitar for over 50 years.  I have customized or modified most of my instruments in some way. I built the guitar pictured above. I took the neck and hardware from a 2002 Fender MIM Stratocaster. The neck was modified – a roller bridge was installed, and the fingerboard was stripped and given an oil finish.  I installed a set of EMG pickups, based on the ones on the red Strat played by David Gilmour. I gold plated the hardware that was reused. I installed a set of Spertzel locking tuners. I then duplicated the body, featuring three different densities of wood. The original body was used as a template. It’s finished in a solid nitro finish, no fillers, which took about 27 coats of spray. It has a very versatile sound, it has served me quite well on stage as it keeps tune and does not break strings.