I spent 40 years building custom furnishings for private customers. This year I officially retired from doing custom shop work for customers to focus on Digital media, Marketing and SEO. It has been a long term goal to transition away from the building of physical projects for customers, yet I still want to spend time doing the list of projects which I have gotten underway for me.

Once my YouTube channel is fully operational, there will be affiliate links below each video offering an easy way to access tools, products, and materials, where possible. These links offer you instant access to these items at no extra cost, and using the links does help my website and channel, so if you see some item that interests you, please be sure to scroll down in the description to find what you are interested in. Just remember, I’m old, many of my tools are old, in some cases, I’ll seek to include links to current equivalents in that case. If you don’t see what you were looking for, just click the link to contact us or comment on the YouTube channel under the video that featured the item you were interested in. If the video has been up for a while, or I don’t get a chance to answer you right away, please contact me through this site.

I do have plans to make this site highly interactive in the near future with forums, as well as the option to email me directly. I will attempt to answer straight forward questions as they come in. If your request is more complex in nature, upgraded one on one sessions will likely be made available, for a reasonable fee, and or to YouTube patrons once that comes on line. Stay tuned.